■日時: 2010年1月31日(日)14:40~17:50
発表者:Joy Taniguchi(東大・総合・言語・M2)
タイトル:English Literacy Retention in Japanese Bilingual Children
This study presents a case study of three pairs of Japanese returnee siblings to investigate whether any social factor exists affecting their English literacy. Each pair of siblings has similar
language profile, language background and family circumstance, but differ in age. The ages of younger siblings when returning to Japan were 6;8, 7;0 and 7;9, ages belonging to a group reported to be more vulnerable to language loss. The ages of elder siblings, on the other hand, were 9;4, 9;6 and 10;3, ages reported to be less vulnerable to attrition. English speech sample elicited from one-to-one reading conference were collected over the period of 6 months.
The result obtained through the reading conference revealed that their oral reading skill showed no regression, but comprehension skill, especially requiring the high level of cognitive maturation seem to be affected heavily by language loss or the cognitive immaturity due to age. It was also found that even returnee children who had seemingly lost a great portion of their English were capable of performing better in literacy tasks when utilizing various types of communication strategies. In addition, the returnees showed significant improvement in literacy performance on the same text to be read repeatedly, particularly for story-retelling component. Interestingly, although the younger siblings belonged to an age group reported to be more vulnerable to attrition, as for the two of them, there was no evidence of a decline in their overall English ability.
These findings are discussed in relation with social factors as parental attitude, children’s literacy engagement and social network rather than age factor. The general implication of the present study is that 1) parental attitude offering scaffolding, encouragement and assistance in the children’s English literacy practice is crucial, 2) home is an important domain for maintaining L2 literacy, especially when more recreational and social interactional uses are emphasized, and 3) social networks play an important role to maintain and develop their L2 with the viewpoint of the motivation and the opportunity to use English in communicative situation.
1992, p.72)に基づいて言語行動を選択する。したがって、ある話し手が会話の中での言語行動について考えるには、話し手のアイデンティティや方言意識を考慮する必要がある。