Sandra McKay 教授公開講演会
Special Lecture by Prof. Sandra McKay
日時/Date and Time:
2012年10月8日(月・祭日) 14:00 - 16:00Monday (National Holiday), October 8, 2012, 14:00 to 16:00
東京大学教養学部 駒場Iキャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム1Collaboration Room 1, Fourth Floor, Building 18, University of Tokyo Komaba I Campus
Globalization, Culture, and Language Education (使用言語:英語/Language: English)講演者/Speaker:
Dr. Sandra McKay (サンフランシスコ州立大学名誉教授)Dr. Sandra McKay, Professor Emeritus San Francisco State University
Globalization is a much used and often loosely-defined term. This paper will begin by considering the various definitions of globalization and examine what these suggest for current language use and language teaching. The author will argue that while English often serves as a lingua franca in the present-day globalized world, this is not always the case. However, when it is used as a lingua franca, it is typically used in cross-cultural exchanges in which cultural frameworks are complex and negotiable.Given globalization and the complex linguistic landscape it generates, the author explores what this means for English teaching today. What should be the cultural basis of English teaching? What grammatical, pragmatic, and discourse norms should apply? What should be the cultural basis of classroom materials and methodology? These questions will be fully explored in the presentation. In closing, the presenter will argue that the goal of culture learning in English as an international language pedagogy should be to promote a sphere of interculturality (Kramsch, 1998) and an awareness of the hybridity of cultural identity today.
参加費無料, 事前申込不要
Free admission, no reservation necessary
東京大学駒場言葉研究会 (KLA)
言語教育学・言語社会学研究会 (EASOLA)
Event jointly sponsored by
Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research 12001418 English as Capital for the Japanese
Komaba Language Association (KLA)
Education, Anthropology, and Sociology of Language (EASOLA)
問合せ: 東京大学 片山晶子 (研究室 03-5465-7614)
For further information, contact Akiko Katayama, University of Tokyo (03-5465-7614)