場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館 2階院生ラウンジ(※なお、当日18号館はカードキーがないと入れませんので、学外者で参加予定の方はあらかじめ連絡係・寺沢にメールしてください)
場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館 2階院生ラウンジ(※なお、当日18号館はカードキーがないと入れませんので、学外者で参加予定の方はあらかじめ連絡係・寺沢にメールしてください)
1.Akiko Katayama (片山晶子)(東京大学)
- 発表タイトル:Japanese high school teachers of English respond to L2-medium teaching policy: An interview study
- 発表要旨
This presentation reports on a micro-analysis of teachers’ interview responses regarding the upcoming implementation of English-medium teaching policy in Japan’s high school English classrooms. Multiple ethnographic interviews over one year with four high school teachers from different areas in Japan reveal complex discourses which bind the Japanese teachers of English, who must also function as locally viable educators. The study is guided by Foucault’s concept of discourse and power.
Global economy pressures Japanese government to radically revise the nation’s English education. As part of the action plan to “cultivate Japanese who can use English,” the Education Ministry of Japan will be implementing the controversial L2-medium English teaching in all middle schools in 2013. Although the media frequently report on the first major governmental intervention in the teaching method, the voice of English teachers is receiving somewhat limited attention from the media and the government. This study is part of an ethnographic interview study investigating the life-worlds of two male and two female L1-Japanese teachers of English in the academic year of 2010, when the ministry-lead preparation for the revision of English education is becoming intense. The four participants, all of whom will be directly affected by the revision, are a novice female suburban senior high teacher, a mid-career female urban junior-high teacher, a late-career male suburban all-female private senior high teacher, and a mid-career male rural junior-high teacher. In audio-recorded long interviews periodically conducted in one academic year, the teachers freely talked about their histories, professional lives, and beliefs.
This presentation will demonstrate how discourses, which bind the participants in teaching English in their particular circumstances, are reflected in the interview utterances. The microanalysis of transcript segments informed by conversation analysis highlights locally and temporally formed discourses which will potentially supersede the government-initiated method intervention.
- 発表タイトル:日本人英語学習者の英語学習観と、英語学習観を形成する要因について (修士論文構想)
- 発表要旨:
3.寺沢拓敬(千葉商科大学 [非])
- 発表タイトル:「英語力活用」格差―日本の労働市場の不平等性と英語使用
- 発表要旨: